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Who is using your music?

Keep your music safe and increase your sales by turning on automatic tracking for copies on streaming platforms

Yahoo Finance reports AI-generated art not protected by copyright law while creators works are being replicated and stolen using AI. So what happens to creators? Read more

How it works?

Upload your YouTube content link

Upload your YouTube content link and search for unauthorized downloads. Report any violations for takedown.

Link your YouTube dashboard to Deoty

Link your YouTube dashboard to Deoty for live copyright infringement updates and comparison with YouTube analytics.

Use our Music feature

Use our Music feature to identify and report profiting violators of your audio content.

Use our Video feature

Use our Video feature to identify and report profiting violators of your video content.

Refer other creators

Refer other creators in the 'Referrals' section of your account to earn rewards.

We search 100s of different platforms

We know how to
increase your revenue
by 20 - 30 %

And provide tools for it

Make money from unlicensed songs

Find songs that are using your creative work and make artists buy a license or face a complaint.

Get royatlies from Content ID

Earn more money when your music is used in people’s posts on YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook

Quickly report those who violate your rights

Don’t spend time on court cases. You can easily take down content by sending a strike through our platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly does the search happen?

Typically, the service completes a thorough search for matches on the platforms in about 1 to 3 minutes. To protect your content effectively, we suggest using the autopilot feature. This lets you schedule automatic searches for copied content, like once every week. This way, you can regularly find new matches without having to put in additional work.

Where does the search take place?

The search happens on hundreds of platforms, including but not limited to YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Napster, SoundCloud, Tidal, Boomplay, Deezer, Pandora, Anghami, and Yandex Music. We’re always adding new sources to our search list.

What types of audio and video files can be searched?

We can find matches for entire tracks as well as parts of them. This includes both instrumentals (beats) and full compositions. This is useful for finding unauthorized versions, remixes, and covers. The service can also help those who create samples. Video files are included in the search as well.

What should you do if you find a match?ith the found match?

If you find out that someone is using your track or a sample without asking you, you have a couple of options. You can file a complaint on the platform where you found the match, or you can reach out to the person who used your content to sort things out. If you’re a Beatmaker subscriber, our service can automatically file a complaint for you.